Wednesday, 5 December 2012

The Literary Platform

The Literary Platform is dedicated to showcasing projects experimenting with literature and technology. We also help people with digital projects.

Read on...

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Invitation for MA Creative Writing students

Eva Levin (Writing Development Manager from Spread the Word) will be holding a talk on Professional Development for Creative Writers.

The talk will be held on Friday 16 November at 10am in room A9 in the London Road building. 

If you'd like to go, email Karlien van den Beukel.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Best Kept Secret

Best Kept Secret, the debut novel by MA Creative Writing student Elsa Joseph, has just been published by Pen Press.

There's a feature on the LSBU website here, and you can buy the book online at Waterstones or Amazon.

Congratulations, Elsa!

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Britain through a Lens: The Documentary Film Mob

BBC Four

The Below Doc about Doc's was on BBC This week You can still catch it on BBC iPlayer

Britain through a Lens: The Documentary Film Mob

A film telling the unlikely story of how, between 1929 and 1945, a group of tweed-wearing radicals and pin-striped bureaucrats created the British documentary genre.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

BECTU Freelancers' Fair

The Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU) is holding a Freelancers' Fair on Friday 29 June at 2 Savoy Place, London WC2 (off the Embankment).

Full details of the event can be found here:

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Screenworks — Practice Based Research site

For MA and PhD students interested in seeing how postgraduates around the UK are defining their practice-based research projects take a look at the latest edition of the Screenworks website produced in association with the Journal of Media Practice.

In addition to students providing 1000 word rationales for their work, Screenworks includes comments from peer reviewers. Well worth a look. Patrick  

Rewire London: special offer

A special offer for MA students from one of our former guest speakers, Alison Coward:

Get the super-early bird rate for the @rewirelondon Unconference at Google Campus on 28 September -just £55 if you book before 30 June.  Enter the code ‘alison10’ at

Friday, 15 June 2012

Photography and Memory

Thanks to Dr Mairéad McClean for a fascinating seminar on Photography and Memory yesterday!

Here's the link to  Mairéad 's video work, as promised; and here's a link to the Irish Times piece on her recent Moving Lives project: .

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

UK MEDIA DESK free places to conference - funding
Various photography courses, some free ...

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Photographers Wanted

Red Photographic, a photographic agency based in Notting Hill, is recruiting new photographers.

They are looking for MA graduates (or about to graduate) with strong portfolios (online or printed) and their own professional equipment.

Red Photographic cover a wide range of photography from Portrait, to Sport, Events, Hospitality and Interiors. For further information visit or email Daphnée Martinet at

Please could you forward this email onto your students but please be aware that we are only interested in advanced level photographers, they must be able to provide a portfolio

Monday, 20 February 2012

World Photo | London

The World Photo: London festival, at Somerset House from 27 April - 20 May 2012, includes exhibitions, workshops, portfolio reviews and networking events.

Many events are free, and students get a 20% discount on most ticketed events. Visit for more information.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Free Film Festivals presents Free Film Fridays in Nunhead. Watch a free classic film on a big screen, every Friday lunchtime in February, at Buchan Road Tenants and Residents Hall, Buchan Road, Nunhead, London SE15 3HQ. 1.30pm.

No need to book, everyone welcome. Enjoy free tea, coffee, juice and biscuits.

Friday 3 February
Passport to Pimlico
Classic Ealing comedy, set in south London immediately after World War II. Delightful and funny.

Friday 10 February
An American in Paris.
Gene Kelly stars in classic musical about an American GI in Paris after the war. An all-time favourite.

Free Friday films in February

Friday 17 February
84 Charing Cross Road
Anne Bancroft, Anthony Hopkins and Judi Dench star in this touching 1986 film about a relationship between a woman from New York and a London bookseller.

Friday 24 February
Old London on Film
Rare archive film 1941-1951 from the London Metropolitan Archives. The blitz, Victory celebrations, 1948 Olympics, London Jazz Club, Housewife's Story and much more.

Hope to see you there! Call 07973 907844 if if you have queries.

Funded by the Nunhead and Peckham Rye Community Council Fund.